Your family

Your family

Prepare for floods

Floods can occur at any time, although they are more common in Queensland during the summer months, and are usually associated with tropical cyclones. Mother Nature likes to demonstrate just who's …

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Prepare for cyclones

In Queensland, tropical cyclones pose a serious risk to homes, business, and communities. Many lives have been lost at sea and also on land, so preparing your family for cyclones is really important. …

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Prepare for severe storms

There are two types of severe storms that we experience in Queensland - thunderstorms and land gales. Thunderstorms can produce hail, wind gusts, flash floods, tornadoes, and lightning that can …

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Prepare for bushfires

For Queenslanders, burning material, embers, and smoke from nearby bushfires can affect just about anywhere you live. You don't have to live in the bush to be threatened by bushfire, so families must …

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Prepare for heatwave

During the twentieth century, extreme heat events were responsible for more deaths in Australia than any other natural hazard but few people are aware of the dangers of heat stress. Extreme heat …

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Prepare your kids

Disaster readiness might appear a difficult topic to discuss with your children, but it is essential for their safety. Your children will appreciate a direct, honest manner. Tell them about your …

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Prepare older people

Globally, the proportion of older people is growing faster than any other age group. While it is important to observe that the older population as a whole is neither helpless nor dependent, during …

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People with special needs

When preparing for emergencies, the term 'special needs' can cover a number of situations, not just someone with an identified mental or physical disability. An elderly person, someone with limited English, …

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Prepare your family

Getting prepared is the first important step in becoming more resilient. Involve the whole household when preparing your Harden Up Plan. You can assess your preparedness progress and share your Harden …

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Precautions to take

In an emergency situation it might be safest to remain where you are, whether that's at home, work, school or interstate. Being apart from loved ones during such a stressful time will be difficult. …

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