Prepare for severe storms

Prepare for severe storms
Unpredictable and powerful storms are a part of life and we may have become accustomed to their arrival every storm season, it's vital to be prepared. Follow our preparation tips to make sure your home is shipshape for the storm season. Some of these will also improve your home's security and protect you from intruders.

Prepare your home for storms

Get a builder to check structural integrity of your house. In tropical and subtropical climates, houses deteriorate over time because of exposure to sun,

and winds. To avoid home deterioration …

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Maintain your home

Check pipes, walls, ceilings and roof for internal or external water leaks. A damaged roof, gutter or downwater pipes could result in telltale brown water stains on walls and ceilings. Apart from looking …

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Maintain your yard

Before you plant any trees consider how high and how wide the tree will ultimately grow. Position new trees and shrubs away from the house and powerlines; minimise the dangers caused by falling trees …

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Take precautions

To enable fast action in an emergency, draw a map of your property and clearly mark the location of your electrical switchboard, natural gas connection or tanks, water supply, and solar inverter, …

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Check security of external openings

Check that all windows and external doors close securely. Every home has either double or single entry doors made of either solid wood or hollow metal, with or without glass panels. Doors without …

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