Legal assistance

If your insurance is up-to-date but your claim was rejected, you should seek legal avice to find out your options for getting your insuance company to pay your cliam.

Legal Aid Queensland has produces a factsheet is for helping you to make an insurance claim even if your premiums were not up to date, or there are concerns the damage is not covered by the policy you have.

You should get legal advice to find out your options if your insurance claim is refused. For free legal information and advice, contact Legal Aid Queensland on 1300 65 11 88 or visit

If you are in urgent financial need, your insurer must fasttrack you claim, in line with the General Insuance Colde of Practice. These are the guildelines insurers must follow when dealing with claims and complaints.

The code dictates that if you can demonstrate urgent financial need, the insurer must pay you an advace payment, which will be taken off your claim's total value, within five days.

What if I don't get a response or my claim is rejected?
Step 1. If you have not received a response within 15 days of making the completed claim, you should complain to the insurer by letter or email and ask for an internal review into why a decision was not made.
Step 2. If your claim is rejected, you should ask your insurer as soon as you can to internally review the decision.
Step 3. The insurer can take up to 45 days to internally review any decision or failure to make a decision.

From Need help getting an insurance claim paid? Storms, cyclones, floods, insurance and you. Legal Aid Qld

The Financial Ombudsman Service provides accessible, fair, and independent dispute resolution for consumers and financial services providers. Phone 1800 337 444.

The Insurance Law Service is a free legal service available to any business, community group, or individual in Australia who would like advice on insurance law or in resolving a dispute with an insurer.  Phone 1300 663 464.