Prepare an Emergency Plan

Your Household Emergency Plan enables you and your household to plan ahead so you know what to do, where to go, how to keep in touch with each other, and how to contact emergency services, if required. Involve all household members when you develop your emergency plan, to ensure everyone understands the risks and appropriate actions to take in an emergency.

Print a copy of the Emergency Plan with your agreed plans and strategies for each of these issues. Once completed, make extra copies of your Emergency Plan for each household member, your family, friends, neighbours and the two emergency contacts listed on your plan.

Display your Emergency Plan on your fridge or notice board. Record evacuation details on you Emergency Plan. Keep a copy of your Emergency Plan in your Household Emergency Kit and review your Emergency Plan regularly - at least three times per year.

Record these important details on your Emergency Plan:

  • Emergency and related phone numbers: Triple Zero (000); 132 500 (SES); medical services; local council; electricity and other service providers; insurance providers; relatives and friends in your Emergency Plan.
  • All householder mobile phones, other phone numbers such as work, school, childcare providers, friends, neighbours and your household emergency contacts.
  • Details of the two meeting places you have nominated.
  • Any specific medical conditions, essential medications and dosage.
  • Details for your pets - description, photo, veterinarian contact details, medication.
  • Radio frequency of your local ABC radio station or commercial station, Bureau of Meteorology website and telephone weather services for local warnings.

