Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

The Australian Government's Living Green website says "Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to provide the same service or achieve the same result. It's about doing things smarter, or with improved technology, with absolutely no drop in service or your level of comfort. You use less energy as well as save money and reduce your impact on the environment."

According to the International Energy Agency:

Energy efficiency offers a powerful and cost-effective tool for achieving a sustainable energy future. Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investment in energy infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare. Environmental benefits can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollution.

Energy security can also profit from improved energy efficiency by decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels. For these reasons, energy efficiency is one of six broad focus areas of IEA's G8 Gleneagles Programme. The IEA has submitted 25 policy recommendations to the G8 for promoting energy efficiency that could reduce global CO2 emissions by 8.2 gigatonnes by 2030.

The IEA promotes energy efficiency policy and technology in buildings, appliances, transport and industry, as well as end-use applications such as lighting. Our analysis identifies best-practice, highlighting the possibilities for energy efficiency improvements and policy approaches to realise the full potential of energy efficiency for our Member countries.

According to the IEA Energy Efficiency website:

Improving energy efficiency can make a real difference. It saves money, reduces carbon emissions and decreases your country's dependence on foreign energy supplies... all at the same time.

According to CSIRO:

Current forecasts suggest that an increased uptake of commercial energy efficiency opportunities could improve Australia's GDP by almost A$1 billion a year.