Make an Emergency Plan and Kit


Make an Emergency Plan, prepare an Emergency Kit and Evacuation Kit; record important phone numbers on your emergency plan

Getting prepared is the first important step in becoming more resilient. Involve the whole household when preparing your Harden Up Plan. You can assess your preparedness progress and share your Harden Up Plan with family and friends on Facebook, which will encourage others to get involved.

Your Household Emergency Plan enables you and your household to plan ahead so you know what to do, where to go, how to keep in touch with each other, and how to contact emergency services, if required. Involve all household members when you develop your emergency plan, to ensure everyone understands the risks and appropriate actions to take in an emergency. Print a copy of the Emergency Plan with your agreed plans and strategies for each of these issues. Once completed, make extra copies of your Emergency Plan for each household member, your family, friends, neighbours and the two emergency contacts listed on your plan. Display your Emergency Plan on your fridge or notice board. Record evacuation details on you Emergency Plan.

Your Emergency Kit

Choose a suitable backpack, plastic storage box, or suitcase - something light weight that's easy to wheel or carry. Store your Emergency Kit in an accessible location known to all household members, and include others in assembling your kit so they down what to do in an emergency. You'll need to plan for a 72-hour period of isolation, so include enough food and water, medical and hygiene, emergency lighting, communication, clothing and footwear, and your important documents. Check and update the contents of your kit regularly.

Your Evacuation Kit

If you live in an area prone to flood or storm surge, planning for an evacuation now can save you time and stress in the event of such an emergency. In addition to your Emergency Kit, you should consider what you'd need to take if you are told to evacuate. Make a list of personal and household items to take with you. Tune into warnings for official advice on whether you should evacuate. Your Evacuation Kit should contain extra items to cover you for a longer period and in addition you'll need to take enough bedding (sleeping bags, blankets, pillows) and towels.