Cut back trees and shrubs


Cut back trees and shrubs against or overhanging the house; trim low-lying branches two metres from the ground surrounding your home.

Trees and shrubs against or overhanging the house provide fuel to sustain bushfires, so cut back overgrown trees and shrubs at the beginning of summer, to reduce the risk of loss to fire. Because you live in a double-storey home you probably don't have a clear view of the top of your house.

Ensure that tall trees, such as eucalypts that you can't see, aren't in contact with the roof. Remove any dead trees and branches from your property, in particular from around the house, as these are sure to provide fuel for a bushfire and increase the fire intensity.

Burning shrubs close to houses can crack windows and allow embers to enter the house. They can also ignite wooden structures, outdoor furniture and pergolas. Once your property has been properly prepared you should keep up a regular maintenance routine.