Primary kids

Primary kids

Change - what's all the fuss?

The earth's

has always changed but over hundreds of years. When you look out the window you can see the weather change. You probably notice the seasons changing. Global warming is speeding up temperature change and just a few degrees will mean changes for the world's ecosystems. This kind of change is hard to see straight away.

The planet is getting warmer because more greenhouse gases are being trapped in our atmosphere. The warmer temperatures can change our

and cause big problems for all living things.

How Do Scientists Work Out The Planet's Temperature?

  • Thermometers, satellites and weather balloons to record air and ocean temperatures
  • Using tree rings to calculate the temperature at a time in the past
  • Cutting across the trunk of a dead tree to study its rings can show us how temperatures have varied as the tree has grown
  • Drilling into the deepest snow and ice can also tell us about temperatures from the distant past

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The History of Global Warming

In 1896, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius was the first to claim that burning fossil fuels leads to temperature increase.After that, it wasn't talked about for a long time because people believed that human impact was too small to hurt the planet.

Our technology has got better and scientists started more studies. Based on the research, the majority of the planet's leading scientists argue that

change is occurring. Leaders have held international meetings to discuss what countries need to do to help.

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