Tell us your story

Green Cross Australia has partnered with the ABC, through Harden Up and their ABC Open program, to encourage Queenslanders to share their stories around disaster recovery.  Your stories can help others prepare for, and recover from, extreme weather events. 


Australia is no stranger to extreme weather events and recently we've had our share.   From raging floods to ruthless bush fires and vicious cyclones, farms and businesses have been uprooted, lives lost and families turned upside down.
Follow personal of stories of survival and recovery in regional Australia, with ABC Open's Aftermath project.

The launch of Aftermath marks a year since devastating floods swept through Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley, taking lives and uprooting whole communities.

"Aftermath aims to help all Australians understand what it's like for people as they move through the different phases of recovery," said ABC Open Co-Director, Cath Dwyer.

"It can take years for people to get back to the lifestyle they had before the disaster struck. Contributors who shared their stories through the Aftermath project say that telling their stories has been an important part of the healing process."

"I shared my story for two main reasons," said Rob Cox, another contributor to Aftermath.

"First, because there was an opportunity that seldom arises. I also hoped that I could convey from a position of 'coal face' participation that life eventually can turn around from quite a low point to one of considerable satisfaction."

ABC Open invites people in regional Australia to connect and share their stories through the ABC.  For more information about contributing to ABC Open, visit