Bushfire 2009-10 Mount Archer Rockhampton

Mount Archer Bushfire (October 2009)

The Rockhampton area was affected by bushfires in October, where bush land was burning in nearby Mt Archer national park for over three weeks. Residents from Frenchville, Koongal and Lakes Creek were evacuated at various times on Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th and Monday 19th. One property was destroyed on Saturday 17th.

Queensland Police declared an emergency situation on Saturday 17th, which was eventually revoked on Wednesday 21st.

Sources: BoM Monthly Weather Review Oct 2009, Photos: Chris Ison, The Morning Bulletin

Further reading:Photo3

How the Rocky bushfires unfolded (The Morning Bulletin)

Fire at Mr Archer - images (The Morning Bulletin)

Mount Archer (ABC News)

Rockhampton pictures (Australia Bushfire Monitor)

Leave if you can: Mt Archer fire worsens (ABC News)

Bush fire terrifies Australian town (YouTube)


Rockhamtpon Regional Council in partnership with the Queensland a…