- 07:41 EST Minor Flood Warning for the Herbert River
- 13:37 EST Minor Flood Warning for the Ross River and Final Flood Warning for the Bohle River
- 14:35 EST Moderate Flood Warning for the Haughton River
- 10:34 EST Moderate Flood Warning for the Upper Burdekin and Cape Rivers and Minor Flood Warning for the Lower Burdekin River
- 11:04 EST Minor Flood Warning for the Pioneer River
- 09:55 EST Initial Moderate Flood Warning for the Connors and Isaac Rivers
- 20:51 EST Moderate Flood Warning for the Burrum and Cherwell Rivers Catchments and Flood Warning for the Isis, Gregory, and Elliott Rivers Catchments
- 23:30 EST Major Flood Warning for the Mary River
- 17:07 EST Moderate Flood Warning for the Noosa River and Minor Flood Warning for the Maroochy River and Flood Warning for the Mooloolah River and Coochin Creek
- 11:20 EST Minor Flood Warning for the Stanley River
- 22:18 EST Major Flood Warning for the Warrill Creek and Moderate Flood Warning for the Bremer River
- 13:47 EST Initial Minor Flood Warning for the Logan River
- 12:30 EST Initial Flood Warning for the Nerang and Coomera River Catchment
- 12:41 EST Minor Flood Warning for the Maranoa River
- 20:59 EST Moderate Flood Warning for the Bokhara River and Minor Flood Warning for the Lower Balonne River
- 00:13 EST Moderate Flood Warning for Wallam Creek and Flood Warning for Mungallala Creek
- 14:05 EST Major Flood Warning for the Warrego River (QLD)
- 15:27 EST Major Flood Warning for the Paroo River (QLD)
- 15:25 EST Major Flood Warning for the Bulloo River
- 16:55 EST Major Flood Warning for the Thomson and Barcoo Rivers and Cooper Creek
- 10:21 EST Major Flood Warning for the Western River and Flood Warning for the Diamantina River
- 12:03 EST Major Flood Warning for the Georgina River and Eyre Creek
- 11:47 EST Major Flood Warning for the Flinders River and Final Flood Warning for the Cloncurry River
- 16:24 EST Initial Minor Flood Warning for the Norman River and Flood Warning for the Gilbert River
- 00:13 EST Flood Warning Summary for Queensland
- 10:37 EST Flood Watch from the Gulf Country to South East Queensland
- 22:20 EST Cancellation of Severe Thunderstorm Warning for Peninsula, North Tropical Coast and Tablelands, Central Highlands and Coalfields, Capricornia and Wide Bay and Burnett Forecast Districts.
- 16:24 EST Hazardous Surf Warning for Queensland