TC moved from the Groote Eylandt area and made landfall to the west of Mornington Island. Aborigines described a storm surge covering all but the highest parts of Bentinck Island. The water deeply covered places where they were accustomed to live and where they obtained their water. This caused wells and springs to go salty and eventually the inhabitants were forced to abandon the Island. It was later estimated that on Mornington Island the rise in sea water was 12 feet above the highest normal tide mark.

On Mornington Island the surge caused large eucalypts to die and had caused a change in vegetation to salt loving species in some areas. It was assessed that the water on Bentinck Island also rose 12 feet above high water. After landfall, the town of Borroloola was badly damaged. The hotel was wrecked and a number of other buildings were destroyed.

Rockhampton Regional Council in partnership with the Queensland a…