Please note, although your property may not have been directly affected by this flood event, the event has been included in your suburb listing because according to the Bureau of Meteorology river gauge data, a catchment near your suburb recorded a high mark. This event may have affected your suburb.

Widespread flooding occurred in the regions of Herbert, Johnstone, Burdekin, Tully and other north coast rivers. Several towns, including Halifax, Ingham, Innisfail and Tully, were partly submerged and hundreds of people were evacuated. Loss of life occurred at Ingham, Cardwell and Townsville. At least 39 people were drowned - 23 at Ingham, 15 at Cardwell and 1 at Townsville.

At Tully, Cardwell and Charters Towers floods were reported to be the highest on record. Railway traffic north of Bowen was completely disorganised with considerable damage to lines, especially on the Etheridge branch. Many houses were washed away and losses of crops, property and stock were very considerable, particularly in the Herbert River district. At Ingham 2,500 cattle and 1,500 horses were drowned. Grain silos at Atherton, Kairi and Tolga were badly damaged and the sea wall at Cairns was broken in several places.