Please note, although your property may not have been directly affected by this flood event, the event has been included in your suburb listing because according to the Bureau of Meteorology river gauge data, a catchment near your suburb recorded a high mark. This event may have affected your suburb.

A large amount of property has been destroyed at Oxley Creek by the late floods. All the farmers on the Brisbane side of the creek were compelled to leave their houses, and camp on the high ground in the neighbourhood of Cooper's Plains. On the opposite side very few were driven out.

McDonald's Hotel was submerged to the eaves, and a sheet of water extended from the new sawmills, situated near the junction of the creek with the river, to the high land at the back of Cooper's Plains, a distance of nearly 7 miles. River rose 18 feet above the level reached during the flood that occurred about a fortnight ago, and 10 feet above that of the flood of March 1863.